TSIS Safety Regulations, Policies, & Procedures 2024-25
Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy
For your Safeguarding and Child Protection concerns, contact the following Designated Safeguarding Leads
Mr. Wachiravit 'JayR' Karuensatit - Assistant Deputy Managing Director
Ms. Aomjai Damwan - School Nurses Lead
Ms. Natharin Preechadej - School Counselor
Ms. Velin Gulle - Nursery HRT
Ms. Mary Jane Trabajo - Nursery HRT
Mr. Darryl Taylor - Kindergarten HRT
Ms. Carmen Nel - Kindergarten HRT
Mr. Liam Blee - Primary Coordinator
Ms. Elise Barnard - Primary HRT
Mr. Philippe Courtine - Secondary Teacher
TSIS envisions a global world in general and an educational institution in particular that respects, protects and fulfills the rights of every child under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Towards this end, TSIS commits to the following policies and principles:
Respect Child Rights. TSIS shall guarantee the safety of children and the young in an environment wherein he or she may grow and enjoy respect and understanding by ensuring their protection against circumstances and conditions that threatens the full development of their well-being and their rights enshrined and mandated by international and national laws.
Child-friendly School. TSIS shall endeavor to establish itself as a child-friendly international school in Samut Prakan, Thailand, where children feel safe, secure, cared for, nurtured and protected from harm.
Punish Abusive Conduct. Under any circumstance, the safety, security, protection, participation and development of the child shall be of utmost importance in TSIS. Any form of abuse, maltreatment, neglect and exploitation of a child shall be punished administratively under this policy, and without prejudice refer to the government agency that handles cases of child abuse.
Zero Tolerance for Abuse. TSIS does not tolerate child exploitation and abuse in all forms. Such action must not be tolerated and should be punished for being contrary to the best interest of the child. TSIS works to reduce the risks of child exploitation and abuse in delivering its programs and services and trains its staff on their responsibilities to protect the child. TSIS will not knowingly engage—directly or indirectly—anyone who poses an unacceptable risk to children. TSIS will not engage its staff may it be an individual or a group to any activity that does not meet TSIS’ safeguarding and child protection compliance standards in their activities.
Shared Responsibility. To effectively manage and reduce risks to children, TSIS requires the commitment, support and cooperation of its entire school community including the administrators, managers, staff, teachers, pupils, parents, external partners and stakeholders and any other person who directly or indirectly engage with the pupils of TSIS, in promoting the best interest of the child. Everyone must meet the terms, mandates and requirements of this policy and will be held accountable for committing any of the prohibited acts defined herein.
Procedural Fairness. TSIS uses fair and proper procedures when making decisions that affect a person’s rights or interests. The administrators, managers, staff and members of the TSIS community are expected to adhere to this principle when responding to concerns or allegations of child exploitation and abuse. Every person accused of violating this policy must be afforded proper notice and hearing before any judgment is made.
Restorative Justice. In dealing with child protection issues, TSIS shall uphold the restorative justice principle in addressing both the act or omission and the parties involved. Restorative Justice is a principle of justice that emphasizes repairing the harm caused by illicit behavior. It is best accomplished through cooperative processes that allow all willing stakeholders to meet, although other approaches are available when that is impossible. This can lead to transformation of people, relationships and communities.
Confidentiality. In keeping with protecting the interest of the child, TSIS shall endeavor to ensure that anyone and everyone who becomes privy to the information involving any case on child protection, should be bound immediately, without notice, by the principle of confidentiality. This requires that any information should not be shared to anyone other than the appropriate authorities taking part in the investigation.
In any event that you witness or recognize any incident that is not aligned with the policies and principles that TSIS stands for, do not hesitate to contact any member of the Management Team by sending an email or set an appointment at the registration office.

TSIS Safety Regulations, Policies, & Procedures
Fire and Emergency Evacuation Standard
Operational Procedure
In case of any fire emergency, please take immediate action and adhere to the procedure accordingly so as to ensure a smooth evacuation within the shortest possible time (5 minutes or less).
Long, continuous alarm will be sounded. Announcement on the PA system will be heard (One in the NK and another in the Primary). Megaphones will be distributed to the Area Commanders. When the announcement is given, follow as instructed. Please take note that the PA system should serve as a secondary evacuation cue in case the alarm is not heard, so as the megaphone announcements.
As a visiting person:
Stop whatever you are doing immediately and proceed to the to the assembly area. Follow the direction of the other teachers/ fire marshals you happen to be close by. The two safe zones/assembly areas are both at the front of the building.
Render immediate help to students (or anybody) who are weak, confused or scared in whatever situation it is. Allow other teachers/staff to render any appropriate forms of help during critical time.
Join areas designated for adults (subject teachers and office staff) to assemble.
Only leave and go back to the building when ‘All Clear’ instruction is given by the Emergency Evacuation Commander. The All Clear cue will be in the form of 5 short alarms and an instruction from the fire marshals.
Lockdown and Active Shooter Standard Operating Procedures
The TSIS Lockdown and Active Shooter Standard Operating Procedures is created to prepare students and staff for a potential emergency situation that requires the intervention of law enforcement agencies. It is designed to help everyone understand how to respond quickly and effectively in the event of an active shooter threat, ensuring the safety of all individuals within the school building.
Receiving a report
A clear and short description of the danger and hazard must be given. The front office staff then invokes the public address and informs administration.
Front office staff contact local law enforcement agencies as needed.
Warning Signal
Five (5) seconds short, rapid, intermittent, continuous blasts signal danger for one (1) minute.
Public Address
The public address for Lockdown is: “Lockdown! Locks, Light, Out of Sight!” This is repeated twice each time the public address is performed.
Lockdown Procedures (after the alarm)
Adult (Teachers/Staff) must proceed and lead the children to safe zones
Note: A key box are installed close to the accordion roll ups. An adult will be assigned as the primary person to pull down the roll up and lock it.
Quickly move inside a classroom, turn the lights off, gather next to the wall at the door side, stay quiet, silence all electronic devices, lock the door, and remain out of sight.
Cover glass doors with fabric, paper or any material. Wait for further instructions and the “All Clear” signal.
In areas (kitchen, science laboratories) with flammable items (gas tanks), make sure they are shut.
In the event that a student is in the toilet when the alarm is sounded, the student must be instructed to stay inside and lock the main door.
Any adult in the company of the children must make sure the students are reassured and encouraged to be calm; be calm yourself and responsible for the children.
Everybody must stay inside until they hear a clear signal of whistle blasts or any Designated Safeguarding and Child Protection Lead comes to the room to give instructions. An announcement will also be given via the paging system of the school.
Once the “All Clear” signal is issued, students, teachers and staff must return to their respective classrooms, offices and work stations. The HRT/TA must take note of the attendance all throughout the drill. Coordinators must make sure all teachers and staff are in their work stations.
The Management Team will issue an official statement to give information and updates of what happened to the staff, parents/guardians.
All Clear Signal
Thirty seconds blasts intermittent, continuous for two (2) minutes. An announcement that it is safe to come out will also be made as a supplementary signal.
Safe Zones
Safe zones are the second and higher floors of the building in school. These areas are less accessible to potential threats and provide a more secure environment for students and staff.
Adults, staff, and students who are outside of classrooms or offices must get into the first available room that can be secured. If during a lockdown, an additional hazard manifests such as fire, situational decisions must be made.
The safety and security of our school community are of utmost importance. By familiarizing ourselves with these lockdown and active shooter procedures to better prepare for any emergency situation.